
Industry experiences, expert advice & the latest tips and tricks for creating positive change in your industry.

Lead with Courage
Become a Stand-Out Leader Today

Become a Stand-Out Leader Today

Have you ever thought about what makes a stand out leader? And if you have, how you stack up? In my work as a leadership specialist, I see people put up their hands to lead without really knowing what it takes to even be a leader. True. Doesn’t make any sense does it?...

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Do you think First Impressions Count?   

Do you think First Impressions Count?   

Yes, absolutely, first impressions count! As a leader, it is important that you are aware of the impression you give. And it's so important that this is the authentic you and is the impression you want others to have of you. It's also important that you own this from...

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5 Ways to Nurture A Future Mindset

5 Ways to Nurture A Future Mindset

“Leaders at all levels need a fresh take on how to approach the future and how to lead into it to prepare themselves and their teams for a next normal where certainty is off the table and moving forward means working with the flow without blowing in the wind.” Maggie...

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6 Ways for Leaders to Set Boundaries and Stick to Them

6 Ways for Leaders to Set Boundaries and Stick to Them

“You have to be able to set boundaries, otherwise the rest of the world is telling you who you are and what you should be doing.” OprahBoundary riding (ooops) I mean boundary setting is a really important leadership skill. The setting of your boundaries is linked to...

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Clarity Comes Before Confidence   

Clarity Comes Before Confidence   

Clarity comes before confidence is a simple concept. Or is it?   Try putting it into practise and you will find that it's not as easy as it first sounds. Master the simplicity of it and you will be well on your way to building success in both your work and personal...

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How to Have Difficult Conversations – 10 Steps

How to Have Difficult Conversations – 10 Steps

Do you put off having difficult conversations - at work and at home? If you do, read on as there is a lot more to mastering difficult conversations than you think. It's not good enough to have a 'chat' and think you have dealt with 'it'. You need to get your head...

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Great Leaders Self Reflect

Great Leaders Self Reflect

I've been reflecting.... While working with a group of leaders in agriculture last week we spoke about the importance of self reflection. It was a newish idea for many and for others it isn't something they have consciously practised or built as a leadership habit....

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5 Things l Learned from Brene Brown Live for Leadership

5 Things l Learned from Brene Brown Live for Leadership

I recently attended the Brene Brown LIVE event in Australia. WOW. I came away committed to sharing the top 5 things I learned and to support you to apply these learnings in agriculture and beyond. In the last two decades researcher, Dr Brene Brown has become...

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