
Industry experiences, expert advice & the latest tips and tricks for creating positive change in your industry.

Jo Eady
5 New Skills Required to Lead in 2030 and Beyond

5 New Skills Required to Lead in 2030 and Beyond

We live, lead and love in a fast-paced world. Nothing stands still! So, what skills will leaders need to lead effectively as we head towards 2030 and beyond? Leaders mustn’t be complacent. You must be agile and adaptive and must constantly reshape your leadership...

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5 Ways to be a Futurist and Understand Megatrends

5 Ways to be a Futurist and Understand Megatrends

How much time do you spend thinking and preparing ahead? Do you find yourself making a “to do” list for today or jotting down your goals and plans for 5 or even 10 years from now? Time never slows. We are fast approaching 2030 and beyond. Then it will be on to 2050. I...

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5 Ways to Celebrate With Your Team

5 Ways to Celebrate With Your Team

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.”  Amy Poehler  People are our greatest asset. So much more can be achieved when we work together than we ever could alone. Whether you work...

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Stepping Into Leadership Without Being Bossy

Stepping Into Leadership Without Being Bossy

Are you interested in making a difference in the world? Do you see things – even small things that you know could change your world or that of your career or business? Then it’s likely stepping into leadership will benefit others as well as yourself. Right now, I want...

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How to Thrive When Adversity Hits

How to Thrive When Adversity Hits

If you haven’t already, then I can guarantee you that at some time in your life you will face adversity. Not all change we experience we choose for ourselves and it’s at these times that it pays to be as prepared as you can be. And I mean to be both physically and...

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How to Fast Track Your Career or Business

How to Fast Track Your Career or Business

I want to share with you a real life and real time truth today. When I work with people in jobs and those who have their own business, many will ask me -How do I fast track my career? or How do I increase the profile of my business? And they often ask, can you help me...

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Become a Stand-Out Leader Today

Become a Stand-Out Leader Today

Have you ever thought about what makes a stand out leader? And if you have, how you stack up? In my work as a leadership specialist, I see people put up their hands to lead without really knowing what it takes to even be a leader. True. Doesn’t make any sense does it?...

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Do you think First Impressions Count?   

Do you think First Impressions Count?   

Yes, absolutely, first impressions count! As a leader, it is important that you are aware of the impression you give. And it's so important that this is the authentic you and is the impression you want others to have of you. It's also important that you own this from...

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Our Business in the Cotton Industry  

Our Business in the Cotton Industry  

I’m often asked how we got to work in the Cotton industry, what’s it like and is it different to other sectors? I think these questions are super relevant for others in business as we had no prior experience with Cotton and didn’t know what a boll was (we pronounced...

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