If you haven’t already, then I can guarantee you that at some time in your life you will face adversity. Not all change we experience we choose for ourselves and it’s at these times that it pays to be as prepared as you can be. And I mean to be both physically and mentally prepared. So, today I’m going to share with you five insights that I think you need to thrive in the face of adversity or unchosen change.
There is no doubt that we all face adversity from time to time. Things can and will go wrong and it’s important for you to have your own way of working through these difficult times. And as a leader to support others work through these times as well. In agriculture and rural communities there’s also the natural elements of drought, flood and fire. No one asks for these and I do want to acknowledge that when they hit they sure can knock you for a 6 and affect how you respond both immediately and into the future.
I’ve personally watched people and leaders deal with adversity and I want to tell you that those who have already found their own way of dealing with set backs, roadblocks and found ways to meet and move through hard times can thrive as a result of adversity. Yes from what I’ve seen in my work though living and working in rural Australia you can actually thrive through adversity. I want to share 5 ways you can create, grow and thrive through adversity so that you have your very own thrive through adversity plan at your finger tips.

The first one is to be prepared. The mind set of be prepared for the worst but hope for the best is a ripper. It means that you have thought through all the what ifs and even have a plan in place for if a fire, flood etc hits or if you wake up one morning and find you have been misquoted on the front page of the newspaper or if your annual staff appraisal doesn’t go as planned. There’s definitely a place for thinking through worse case scenarios in helping you to become mentally prepared for whatever life, work or business throws at you.
The second insight is to be true to your purpose. It’s important for you to know why you are doing what you are doing. This helps to drive you and to keep going when things don’t go to plan. Your purpose helps you to stick at something – especially when it gets tough. You will face things that are definitely beyond your control as a leader and at times things will be uncomfortable. It’s at these times that being clear on what your purpose is and what your role is will help you to return to the job at hand and what’s most important and meaningful to you. I’m a big believer that purpose and positive energy can get you through.
The third insight is to keep a sense of humour. This one can be so very difficult but laughter truly is the best medicine. You and you alone are responsible for your mood and I really believe that stepping back and putting some distance between yourself and an issue allows you to see what’s truly important and to eventually find the lighter side. And laughter and humour are your body’s way of coping – a good laugh releases feel good chemicals which help to reset and keep a positive mind set.
The fourth insight is to surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you. These are people who you respect and trust. And they are people that you know wholeheartedly want the very best for you. Someone once told me that you become the sum of who you surround yourself with so choose carefully. It’s equally as important to recognise people that aren’t serving you well and to limit your time with them.
And the fifth and final insight for today AND perhaps the most important one of all it to believe in yourself. When you are hit with adversity, unchosen change or things outside your control it is so important that you believe that you are capable of leading yourself and others through uncertainty and can find a way forward. Stay as open minded as you can and call on your self-confidence to get you through, others will be relying on you.
So there are the 5 insights for you. I encourage you to see adversity as an opportunity, to face it with an open mind and to call upon your own insights and confidence to chart the best path forward. And most importantly value yourself and others through this time.
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