
Industry experiences, expert advice & the latest tips and tricks for creating positive change in your industry.

Leader in You Program
5 New Skills Required to Lead in 2030 and Beyond

5 New Skills Required to Lead in 2030 and Beyond

We live, lead and love in a fast-paced world. Nothing stands still! So, what skills will leaders need to lead effectively as we head towards 2030 and beyond? Leaders mustn’t be complacent. You must be agile and adaptive and must constantly reshape your leadership...

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Leaders – It’s Time to Own Your Own Space

Leaders – It’s Time to Own Your Own Space

Own Your Own Space! These four words were shared by a participant in a recent group session for emerging leaders. You could have heard a pin drop. The discussion was around leading projects of impact and the importance of ensuring that you maintain the ownership of...

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Maximise Your Outcomes from a Leadership Program

Maximise Your Outcomes from a Leadership Program

So much happens in a leadership program and especially when a leadership group meets up face to face. I get this and it’s important to gain the most you can when together. However, group dynamics are different to individual activity. I reckon there’s a lot that you...

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Towards Transformational Leadership

Towards Transformational Leadership

Have you ever wondered what type of leader you are? Anyone can engage in leadership, it’s how you lead that matters! Many of us fall into leadership positions because we are asked and want to do something to help. But leadership is so much more than this, it drives...

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8 Ways to Create Impact After a Leadership Program

8 Ways to Create Impact After a Leadership Program

It’s always a buzz to see people complete a leadership program. Sometimes the program is a year long, sometimes just a couple of days. I love seeing people achieve new knowledge and skills. You have a choice when you complete a leadership program. You can either sigh...

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8 Ways to Get the Best From Your Next Leadership Program

8 Ways to Get the Best From Your Next Leadership Program

Congratulations, you’ve gained a place in a leadership program. This is a BIG deal! If you pay for it yourself you have a financial stake and this should drive you to participate well and gain the most you can. If your enterprise or industry has invested in you then...

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Stepping Into Leadership Without Being Bossy

Stepping Into Leadership Without Being Bossy

Are you interested in making a difference in the world? Do you see things – even small things that you know could change your world or that of your career or business? Then it’s likely stepping into leadership will benefit others as well as yourself. Right now, I want...

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Become a Stand-Out Leader Today

Become a Stand-Out Leader Today

Have you ever thought about what makes a stand out leader? And if you have, how you stack up? In my work as a leadership specialist, I see people put up their hands to lead without really knowing what it takes to even be a leader. True. Doesn’t make any sense does it?...

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Great Leaders Self Reflect

Great Leaders Self Reflect

I've been reflecting.... While working with a group of leaders in agriculture last week we spoke about the importance of self reflection. It was a newish idea for many and for others it isn't something they have consciously practised or built as a leadership habit....

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