Stepping in to lead a ZOOM call is an art. It takes energy to create a visible presence. Do you know that many people are fearful of meeting this way? As someone who leads online meetings, it falls to you to consciously use tips and tools to ensure engagement and getting the best outcomes you can.
Here’s five of my favourites for you;
- Stand to facilitate / lead the session. You will look like you are there to lead and your participants will take comfort and feel at ease knowing they are in good hands right from the outset.
- Have a script that you share right after you Welcome everyone to the call. Include who you are, what your role is and how the session will unfold. This leads to buy in from participants as they see how they can be involved.
- Give out some time markers, so participants know what to expect. Like at 10:20 am we’ll move into the key part of today’s session all about x, y and z.
- Share eye contact – yes its a thing! Non verbal communication is more important online than when face to face. Have an observer on your next session with you and ask them to give you feedback with you. The name of the game is to lead an engaging online meeting, forum, session or keynote. Getting your non – verbals down pat is part of the deal.
- Build 10 mins into each hour of a session for summary and closing. Share the key learnings / outcomes, or if the group is small, ask participants to do this. If it’s a big group, ask questions and ask people to use their reaction emojis to show support etc.
We recently facilitated a Leadership Unconference via ZOOM for emerging leaders in the Australian cotton industry with Cotton Australia 90% stated the Unconference exceeded their expectations and 10% shared it met their expectations. Feedback revealed, participants would love more social connection time. Our challenge is to build this into future online events. Check out the best tips we’ve listed here for going above and beyond when you lead your next virtual session. Use these yourself and feel free to send them on to those in your team who lead sessions before your next online get together.
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I hope to hear from you soon.